Polish Clusters for economic development

"The role of clusters in economic development of the Polish" - That was the motto of the IV Clusters Polish Congress, which took place on January 25, 2017 in Warsaw.

This is a recurring event, gathering each time approx. 400 entrepreneurs representing the most innovative industries and services. These include the aviation, ICT, biotechnology, chemical clusters, electronic, as well as construction, ecology, fashion industry and creative industries.

The aim of the Congress is to create a forum of exchange of opinions between decision-makers and representatives of clusters, moving the most important issues related to the functioning of clusters in Poland and initiating ideas for their support and better development. This year, 150 participants debated on Economic growth based on innovation through business clusters, legislative changes in the field of innovation and international cooperation of clusters particularly in the area of Visegrad Group.

The largest clusters in Poland in 1195 associate members and most of them are small- and medium-sized enterprises. They employ 105 852 workers. Exports in clusters, belonging to the National Cluster Key, represent nearly 1/3 of all sales. For this reason, according to the Director of the Department of Innovation of the Ministry of Development Margaret Szczepańska, clusters contribute to the development of the innovation economy. In addition, associating entrepreneurs, among others, in clusters is one of the most effective methods of eliminating the problem of lack of trust between Polish companies - sentence Krzysztof Krystowski, president of the Polish Employers clusters.

To the fruitful development of clusters it requires close cooperation between academia and business, as well as legislative changes, which can facilitate innovative initiatives under the action clusters. The proposals to amend, enclosed in a "White Paper", explained Matthew Gaczyński, deputy director of the Department of Innovation and Development at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The Congress also highlighted the activity of Polish in innovative international projects, which clusters can increase.

All these aspects are valuable clue for business Szczecinek Furniture Cluster, which will expand soon with another partner - the company BHK Holz und Kunststoff KG H. Kottmann.